“What Forgiveness Actually Looks Like”

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” - Buddha   I used to have this so called friend who literally put a threat on me and my families lives while he was "intoxicated"; this being at a point and time when I was living an "unsavory life" to... Continue Reading →

“Why Do Bad People Happen to Good People?”

You welcomed them in with opened arms. You let them into your life without guard. They came disguised as a friend, a lover, a trustee and a blessing; they left a betrayer, a foe, an enemy, a curse. And you sit there and think to yourself...How the F*** did I let this happen again. Ignorance... Continue Reading →

“Who’s Lane is it Anyway?”

Stay in your own lane - Every Rapper   Tried and Tested: I've wondered why one restaurant could be completely packed, yet more people will swarm to it though there may be an empty establishment next to it? I used to think this was the case of the quality food, that was until I realized... Continue Reading →

“Relax….You’re Under Construction”

In this excerpt I dive into the mentality that is behind the phenomenon of impatience. I explore the reason why we will often times dedicate your entire lives to trying to fix others, yet will give ourselves limited time to develop. Learn how to trust your process, and grow at a healthy rate.

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