“Are You a Giver or a Taker?”

Coming from a musical background I was fully exposed to the "take first mentality" it it's fullest sense. When is the last time you heard a song about making it rain on a charity; or a rapper talk about how much he or she was about to donate to a food bank. Probably sometime close... Continue Reading →

“What Forgiveness Actually Looks Like”

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” - Buddha   I used to have this so called friend who literally put a threat on me and my families lives while he was "intoxicated"; this being at a point and time when I was living an "unsavory life" to... Continue Reading →

“Who’s Lane is it Anyway?”

Stay in your own lane - Every Rapper   Tried and Tested: I've wondered why one restaurant could be completely packed, yet more people will swarm to it though there may be an empty establishment next to it? I used to think this was the case of the quality food, that was until I realized... Continue Reading →

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