“What Forgiveness Actually Looks Like”

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” - Buddha   I used to have this so called friend who literally put a threat on me and my families lives while he was "intoxicated"; this being at a point and time when I was living an "unsavory life" to... Continue Reading →

“The Power Give-Away “

  Have you ever wondered why criticism hurts so much more when it comes from somebody you are close. If a stranger were to comment on your "flaws", you might laugh it off, or flip them off depending on your personality; but when it comes from somebody you have a connect to, this small statement... Continue Reading →

Fill Your Cup First

    At first glance this header may come off as a self-centered, narcissistic, perpetuation of rugged individualism; and in all honestly your first assumption may actually be correct. Yes, this is a self-centered site, on a self centered blog, with a self centered intention. However, this is not the same ego driven self-centeredness that... Continue Reading →

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