“Why Your Words Are Hurting You”

"I AM, the two most powerful words. For what you put after them shapes your reality"  Let’s play a game, I'll call this the "Game of Words", I'll be your host Jon Snow. Rules of the game are you have to say as many words as you can think of. These must be words that... Continue Reading →

“What Forgiveness Actually Looks Like”

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” - Buddha   I used to have this so called friend who literally put a threat on me and my families lives while he was "intoxicated"; this being at a point and time when I was living an "unsavory life" to... Continue Reading →

“Who’s Lane is it Anyway?”

Stay in your own lane - Every Rapper   Tried and Tested: I've wondered why one restaurant could be completely packed, yet more people will swarm to it though there may be an empty establishment next to it? I used to think this was the case of the quality food, that was until I realized... Continue Reading →

“The Power Give-Away “

  Have you ever wondered why criticism hurts so much more when it comes from somebody you are close. If a stranger were to comment on your "flaws", you might laugh it off, or flip them off depending on your personality; but when it comes from somebody you have a connect to, this small statement... Continue Reading →

“Are We There Yet? “

Are you taking the time to soak in your surroundings, or are you doing your best job at distracting yourself? Do you see growth as the journey, or is it merely just a destination?

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